
Center for Entrepreneurship, Change, and Third Sector (CECT) Sustainability Trisakti University

CECT is a research center at Trisakti University that also serves as a consultant for Sustainability. CECT founded MM-Sustainability (Master’s Program specializing in Sustainability and Community Entrepreneurship) with a grant received from the Ford Foundation in 2008 and British Council Indonesia in 2013. CECT’s main role is to conduct studies related to sustainability, social entrepreneurship and community entrepreneurship, which is also used to refine the MM Sustainability and MM Community Entrepreneurship curricula, write and publish case studies based on consulting work, and publishing the researches about Sustainability and Social Entrepreneurship done by alumni of MM-Sustainability and MM-Community Entrepreneurship. 

CECT has partnerships and collaborations with many international organizations in the area of Sustainability and Social Entrepreneurship, such as: University of Queensland-Sustainable Mineral Institute; Interlink-Australia; University of Northampton-UK; US Embassy Indonesia; University of Texas Austin; British Council Jakarta; Ford Foundation Jakarta, SwissCham Indonesia, Zurich, Siemens, Master in Sustainability Development and Management (MASUDEM); etc.


1. Conducting exemplary research focusing on cases that incorporates local wisdom.

2. Delivering high quality trainings based on international standards.

3. Disseminating research result.

4. Collaborate with interested parties in the three sectors to achieve greater impact.

5. Providing trustworthy consultative activities.


Achieve Excellence and make a Difference

Our Goals
Become A Leaders

To help future generations to become Leaders in Sustainability (through MM-Sustainability and MM-CE)

Contribute to SDGs

To contribute to SDGs in the areas of quality education, innovation, strong institution, partnership for the goals; and prosperity of the nation. (CECT, MM-Sustainability, MMCE)

Trustworthy Partner

To become your Trustworthy Partner in Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development (through CECT)

Some Significant Milestones On Our Journey

CECT engaged with APPIN (Asia Pacific Philanthropy Network) for a Collaborative Research with 11 countries about Philanthropy in Asia, under the coordination of UTS (University of Technology Sydney) Australia, and funded by the Ford Foundation until 2002.


CECT engaged in a Collaborative Research with 5 countries about “Asia’s Third Sector Governance and Performance), under the coordination of UTS (University of Technology Sydney) Australia, and funded by the Ford Foundation until 2005. The country report was published in a book, entitled: “Comparative Third Sector Governance in Asia: Structure, Process, and Political Economy”

CECT provided “Organisational Governance” training for “Women Cooperative” in Surabaya.


CECT received a grant from the Ford Foundation New York amounted USD 350,000 for a project of “Business for Social Responsibility” for three years. One of the outputs of the project was Establishment of Master Degree Program with specialization in CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) – MMCSR Trisakti University in 2008 (now MM-Sustainability)

CECT started to provide Inhouse trainings and Consultancy Works for Private Sector.


CECT engaged with British Council Indonesia for a project entitled: "Community Entrepreneurship Challenge", until 2014. One of the output of the projects was Establishment of Master Degree Program with specialization in Community Enterprise – MM-CE Trisakti University at 2013: www.mmsustainability.ac.id

CECT hosted ISTR Asia Pacific Conference in Denpasar Bali. ISTR (International Society of Third Sector Researchers) is based on John Hopkins University, Maryland USA.


CECT engaged with the University of Texas to provide online workshop for Entrepreneurship in a program named "ipreneurship".

• CECT received scholarship from Austrade to join a one month Workshop about "Community Development for Mining" at University of Queensland.
• CECT provided “Academic Review on the Drafting of CSR Law” for the House of Representative, under USAID Project through Prorep.
• CECT Launched MM-CE: Master Degree Program with specialization in Community/Social Enterprise at Trisakti University.


• CECT received scholarship from Canadian Embassy in Indonesia to visit Oil Companies in Calgary Canada to share CSR Practices in Indonesia together with SKK Migas and Pertamina and attended a seminar about “Corporate Shared Value” delivered by Michael Porter.
• CECT hosted John Elkington for a Public Lecture about Sustainability at Trisakti University

• CECT in collaboration with Interlink Technology Services Pty Ltd. Australia, started to conduct an Australia Certificate Diploma Program on “Diploma of Project Management” and “Cert. IV Integrated Risk Management”.
• CECT launched its first “CECT CSR AWARDS”, an award bequested to companies with great performance of CSR based on ISO 26000. This CECT CSR AWARDS is free of charge and based on pure research.


• CECT launched its second “CECT CSR AWARDS”
• CECT engaged with The Hudson Institute Washington DC, USA in a research making “Global Philanthropy Index”
• CECT is engaged in a Collaborative Research with 17 Europe Countries under FAB MOVE (For a Better Tomorrow: Social Enterprises on the Move) about Social Enterprise, funded by the European Union (http://www.uni-muenster.de/IfPol/FAB-MOVE), this project is ended in 2018.
• CECT provided “Academic Review on the Drafting of CSR Law” for the Regional House of Representative (DPD)

• CECT hosted CSR awards for the third time and rebranded to "CECT Sustainability Awards"
• CECT hosted ISTR Asia Pacific Conference in Jakarta. ISTR (International Society of Third Sector Researchers) is based on John Hopkins, Maryland USA.


• MM-CSR program rebranded to MM-Sustainability

• CECT collaborate with Kementerian Kesehatan established Kemenkes CSR Award

• CECT received a grant from Ford Foundation amounted USD 150,000 for a project of "Developing CSR Program & Build Awareness of Indonesian Companies of Business Models that achieve SDGs" for one years. One of the outputs of the project was development of MM-Community Entreprise curriculum.

For the first time, CECT held "Sustainable Faculty Competition" in Trisakti University, as a part of Dies Natalis Universitas Trisakti.

• CECT Rebranded to CECT Sustainability
• CECT collaborates with PT. PHE conducting a study on the utilization of super tax deduction: CSR program.
• CECT facilitates collaboration between Trisakti University and Swisscham through a scholarship program provided by Zurich and Siemens for MM Sustainability and MM CE. This scholarship program was part of the B20. The collaboration will continue until 2025.
• CECT-Sustainability, the Maros Management Agency, and GENPI signed a cooperation agreement to build sustainable tourism within the Maros-Pangkep Geopark area
• CECT collaborates with the Master of Management Study Program Trisakti University which is part of the Consortium of Masters in Sustainable Development and Management (MASUDEM) to strengthen the MM Sustainability program related to curriculum strengthening and promotion. 
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