Our Portfolio

Penyusunan Kajian Ilmiah Grand Design dan Roadmap Program Pengembangan Masyarakat (PPM) Industri Hulu Migas (2024)

PT Bank Central Asia Tbk
* Program Pelatihan dan Pendampingan 10 Desa Wisata Binaan BCA 2023 (Sijunjung)
* Program Pelatihan dan Pendampingan 10 Desa Wisata Binaan BCA 2023 (Silokek)
* Program Pelatihan dan Pendampingan 10 Desa Wisata Binaan BCA 2023 Pahawang & Desa Semen)

PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan
Pelatihan dan Pengukuran Dampak Program Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan (TJSL) Menggunakan Social Return on Investments (SROI) 2023

PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero)
* Pengukuran SROI Rumah BUMN dan Tanam Pohon
* Penalti Pendampingan Implementasi CSR Berbasis ISO 26000

PT ABM Investama
Pengadaaan Jasa Pengukuran Social Return On Investment (SROI) Program CSR

PT Permata Karya Jasa
Perhitungan SROI SMEPP PT Pertamina (Persero) Program Pertapreneur Aggregator, UMK Academy, SMEXPO dan Pinky Movement

PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional
Penyusunan Blueprint TJSL PT KPI Tahun 2023

PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical
Social Mapping, Stakeholder Engagement, Indeks Kepuasan Masyarakat dan SROI di Sekitar Pabrik CAP

PT Jakarta Propertindo (Perseroda)
Penyusunan Impact Measurement And Sustainability Report Advisory 2022

PT Astra International, Tbk (Astra Group)
1. Astra Tourism & Craft Academy: Mentoring & Training to
the 90 Astra Prosperous Village in Tourist, Culture, and
Craft Cluster (2021-2023)
2. Inhouse Training Social Return of Investment (SROI) (2022)
3. Inhouse Training Social Return of Investment (SROI) (2021)
4. Capacity Building abaout CSR for All Managers and Staffs
5. Measuring Social Return on your CSR Investment Training

PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk
Calculation of Social Return on Investment (SROI) and IKM for Sekolah 3T Atambua East Nusa Tenggara, Desa BRIIian Garut West Java, Bank Sampah Astana Eyang Bandung West Java (2022)

PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional
Penyusunan Blueprint TJSL PT KPI Tahun 2023

PT Pertamina Hulu Energy
Case Study of Super Tax Deduction (2022)

PT Polytama Propindo
1. Social Mapping for Desa Sindang and Kelurahan
Marhadadi, Indramayu, West Java (2022)
2. Social Mapping for Desa Limbangan, Desa Lombang,
Desa Tinumpuk, Kelurahan Margadadi - Indramayu,
West Java (2020)

PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk
1. KAWAN BNI Program: Mentoring 3 Super Priority Tourist
Destinations (2021-2023)
2. Measuring Social Return of Investment (SROI) Balkondes
Wanurejo, Magelang (2021)
3. Training “Creating CSR Program that Create Shared Value” (2021)
4. Training “CSR Program to Achieve Sustainable Impact” (2019)
5. Training “CSR Exit Strategy & Communication Strategy” (2019)
6. Training “Measuring Social Return on your CSR Investment” (2018)
7. Training “CSR based on ISO 26000” (2017)

PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk
1. Calculating Social Return of Investment (SROI) in
Banggai District, Central Sulawesi Area (2021-2022)
2. Writing the IKM & Money Document in Banggao
District, Central Sulawesi area (2021)

1. Calculating Social Return of Investment (SROI) : 8 Program Gandul, Krukut & Cinere (2022)
2. Social Mapping : Gandul & Krukut, Calculating Social Return of Investment (SROI) Bio Pore Program (2021)

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk
1. Pagardewa Village Assistance (2021)
2. CSR Project Management
3. Monitoring & Evaluation of CSR impact (Lampung,
Palembang, Surabaya, Bekasi, Serang)
4. Training & Mentoring to the fostered village at Palembang
and Batam
5. Training & Mentoring for the establishment of BUMDES of the
assisted village in Palembang and Batam
6. Taman Bacaan & Rumah Baca Tembesi Tower Inauguration
7. Desa Binaan Pagardewa (with PT Kirana)

PT PLN UIP JBB Pandeglang
Calculating Social Return of Investment (SROI) in Pandeglang Mangrove Forest Tour area (2021)

PT Pamapersada Nusantara
1. IKM Workshop for 2 Days in Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan (2022)
2. Various CSR training since 2017

PT PLN UIP JBB Pandeglang
Calculating Social Return of Investment (SROI) in Pandeglang Mangrove Forest Tour area (2021)

PT Pertamina Trans Kontinental
Social Mapping : Batam and Surabaya (2021)
Social Mapping : Lampung (2020)

Social Mapping, IKM, and Social Return of Investment (SROI) “Dompet Sampah” (2021)

PT Pertamina (Persero)
1. Designing Grand Design & Sustainability Roadmap (2021)
2. Training “Measuring Social Return on Investment (SROI)”
3. Training “Project Management based on ISO 21500” (2019)

PT Saratoga Investama Sedaya
Writing the 2020 & 2021 Sustainability Report

PT PLN UID Jakarta Raya
Social Mapping : South Rawa Badak, IKM : Cempaka Putih and RBS, Social Return of Investment (SROI) : BSI Gesit Program and P4S Group (2021)

PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia
1. Integrated COVID-19 response initiative (ICORI) :
Monitoring & Evaluation Food Resilience Program, Healthy
Lifestyle Promotion, Water Sanitation (2021)
2. Digital Marketing assistance to Riau farmers through the
CHERISH Platform (2021)
3. Evaluate microfinance program using Social Return on
Investment (SROI)

PT Bank Central Asia Tbk
1. Calculation of Social Return on Investment (SROI) CSR
Program Pillars of Smart, Pillars of Superior Business
Solutions, and Pillars of Synergy (2021)
2. Inhouse Training “Sustainable Finance & CSV” (2021)
3. Training “Communicating Social Responsibility : Tools
and Techniques” (2019)
4. Program Pelatihan dan Pendampingan 10 Desa Wisata
Binaan BCA 2023 Pahawang & Desa Semen)
5. Program Pelatihan dan Pendampingan 10 Desa Wisata
Binaan BCA 2023 (Silokek)
6. Program Pelatihan dan Pendampingan 10 Desa Wisata
Binaan BCA 2023 (Sijunjung)

PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical
1. Social Mapping Documents, Community Satisfaction
Index, Stakeholder Engagement & Social Return of
Investment (SROI) in CIwandan & Puloampel areas for
PROPER needs (2021)
2. Social Mapping, Stakeholder Engagement, Indeks
Kepuasan Masyarakat dan SROI di Sekitar Pabrik CAP

PT Pertamina Hulu Energi WMO
Create & Analyzing Stakeholder Engagement Mapping PHE WMO (2021)

PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy
1. Stakeholder Engagement Mapping (2021)
2. Capacity Building and Mentoring for Community of
Desa Wisata Kamojang

Kiroyan Partners (Komunikasi Kinerja)
Writing Sustainability Report for Danone Group (2020)

PT IPC Terminal Peti Kemas
1. Inhouse Training: “Pelatihan CSR Based on ISO 26000”
2. Assessment - Healhcheck, Grand Design Sustainability
Roadmap (2021)
3. Roadmap Preparation (2021)

PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk
1. Measuring 3 CSR Projects on various location using SROI
2. “Social Return on your investment” Training (2019)

PT Bukit Asam Tbk
Inhouse Training How to make Sustainability Roadmap Based on ISO 26000 & CSV (2021)

PT Pertamina Lubricants
1. Social and Business Mapping: Cilacap, Gresik, Jakarta
2. Enduro Entrepreneurship Program in Jabodetabek
3. CSR Program Design with a focus on Shared Value and
Caused-Related Marketing: Enduro Student Program (ESP)
4. CSR Project Management
5. Implementing Entrepreneurial Training and Assistance
(ESP) in Cilacap
6. Monitoring and Evaluation of the implementation of ESP
Entrepreneur Training and Mentoring
7. Training and Assustance to Communities for Group
8. Creating the ESP Blueprint
9. Writing the CSR Book

PT WIjaya Karya Beton Tbk
1. Training “Project Management based on OSP 21500” &
“CSR Communication Strategy”
2. Creating the Sustainability Roadmap Wika Beton 2020-
2023 (2019)
3. Training “Achieving Sustainable Business through
Sustainability Roadmap based on ISO 26000” (2019)

PT Pertamina EP
1. Analysis of Social Innovation through the social Return of
Investment (SROI) approach for CSD-Comdev Activities
and Stakeholder Engagement Governance Studies in the
PT Pertamina EP in Subang &Tambun Field (2021)
2. Social Mapping and Need Assessment in Bekasi
3. CSR Project Management
4. Formulating integrated Business Intelligent Mapping (IBIM)
5. Creating CSR Project Management Blueprint
6. Training Capacity Building for All PR Managers
7. Capacity Building for Community Entrepreneurship