Numerous non-governmental organisations (NGOs) are facing the challenge of closing projects and programmes and withdrawing from countries and partnerships. This might be driven by changing organisational priorities, strategic decisions to reduce support in middle-income countries, or funding cuts from donors. Whatever the reason, exiting from a project, programme, country, or partnership is no easy task for anyone involved.
Projects are never sustainable (they have an end) – their outcomes however should be. The objective of this training workshop is to enhance the sustainability of these outcomes. In our experience, many projects do not have adequate exit strategies – leaving handover and transition issues up to the final months. Unfortunately, this is often too late to enact effective plans. This training workshop therefore targets teams involved in projects that are at least twelve months away from their conclusion.
Workshop Material
(Will be delivered in Bahasa Indonesia)
Session 1: Outlining the big picture
Session 2: Where are we now?
Session 3: Mapping partners and stakeholders
Session 4: Identifying pathways
Session 5: Planning and documentation
1. To identify and implement the key concepts and good practices related to project completion and exit and maximize sustainability of outcomes
2. To provide participants with tool and Technical skills for successful implementation of an exit plan and sustainability
3. To develop a communication plan and identify communication modalities and tools for engaging key stakeholders
4. To identify major challenges and constraints related to successful end of programme
5. To create an action plan related to project completion
Target Audience
1. CSR practitioners
2. Lecturers who are conducting Community Service activities
3. General Managers
4. Community Relations Managers
5. Community Development Managers
6. Public Relations Managers
7. Other practitioners who are interested in effectiveness of monitoring community projects or any other project
Dr. Maria Ariesta Utha, S.E., M.M.
Maria Utha has more than 10 years research and consulting experience in projects with the field of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Higher Education Sectors. She is a Permanent Lecturer in Master Degree with spezialitation Sustainability and Community Entrepreneurship. Maria Utha completed her Doctoral Degree in Sustainable Development Doctoral Program at Trisakti University. She has expertise in Environmental Economics, Sustainability & Community Entrepreneurship Management, Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods, Data Processing using various statistical tools.
Two (2) days workshop: IDR 5.800.000
For further information, please contact:
Telephone/Fax : 021-5793-0116
Phone : 0813-8262-2221
Email :