Measuring the Social Return on Investment (SROI)

Rp 5,800,000

Discuss how the Social Return on your CSR Investment can be used as a multiplier for your financial return on your Investment; how to conduct an SROI analysis.


Date Method
22 – 23 January 2025 9 AM – 3 PM
26 – 27 February 2025 9 AM – 3 PM
29 – 30 April 2025 9 AM – 3 PM
26 – 27 May 2025 9 AM – 3 PM
23 – 24 June 2025 9 AM – 3 PM
30 – 31 July 2025 9 AM – 3 PM
27 – 28 August 2025 9 AM – 3 PM
29 – 30 September 2025 9 AM – 3 PM
28 – 29 October 2025 9 AM – 3 PM
25 – 26 November 2025 9 AM – 3 PM
17 – 18 December 2025 9 AM – 3 PM

Location: MM-Sustainability Trisakti Campus

(Menara Batavia 2nd Floor, Jl. K.H. Mas Mansyur Kav. 126, Karet Tengsin, Kecamatan Tanah Abang, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota, Jakarta 10220)

As a program in general, companies always expect a rate of return or Return On Investment (ROI) of the investment that has been issued. ROI is one ratio that can be used as a performance measure to calculate investment. ROI level shows how much the investment produces a rate of return for the company.

In Social Responsibility, the world today has been introduced to a concept with what is commonly referred to as social investment. Based on the presentation of the KPMG research report (2014) of more than 100 companies and the largest charity foundations, it was found that 93% of companies have measured social investments using input basis (such as: financial contributions, employee time and product donations) and 88% of companies have made output measurement (such as: number of participants in social programs). However, reporting on the outcomes and impacts generated is in small number. Only about 30% companies have reported outcomes and only 20% companies have measured the impact that companies have created from the existence of short-term programs. Calculation of social investment is an important thing to do to know quantitatively the value created from the existence of a program.

In calculating the social investment that a company has spent, there are several methods that can be used to measure social impacts. One of them is Social Return On Investment or commonly abbreviated as SROI, is a framework for measuring and calculating. Furthermore SROI is not just calculating value in monetary units, but more than that SROI seeks to see the impact created by a program on society and the effectiveness of social investment that has been issued by the company.

Workshop Material
(Will be delivered in Bahasa Indonesia)
Session I: Social Investment

  • Key Elements and Social Investment Development Steps
  • Introduction to types of Social Impact Calculation Methods:
    • Benefit Cost Analysis
    • Poverty and Social Impact Analyzing (PSIA)
    • Introduction to Social Return on Investment :
      • What is Social Return on Investment (SROI)?
      • Why SROI needs to be measured?
      • Who are the stakeholders involved in SROI calculation?
      • When is right time to use SROI calculation?
      • How to calculate SROI?
        • Evaluative, conducted retrospectively and 
        • Forecast, predict how much prospective social values

Session II: Understanding the calculation variable in SROI framework:
1. Stakeholders’ Input and Activity
2. Output      
3. Outcomes
4. SROI Ratio

Session III: Operate SROI calculation through study cases.

Session IV: Conduct Simulation using SROI on any specified programs.

1. SROI calculations shows results of positive and negative numbers that are more representative for company’s shareholders.
2. SROI calculations can be used to calculate the desired return on CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Investment.
3. SROI calculations can be used to accurately and responsibly calculate the Value of Money / Social Cash Flow (SCF) from an investment.
4. SROI calculations can also be used for a sustainability report.

Target Audience
1. CSR practitioners
2. Lecturers who are conducting Community Service activities
3. General Managers
4. Community Relations Managers
5. Community Development Managers
6. Public Relations Managers
7. Other practitioners who are interested in effectiveness of monitoring community projects or any other project

Dr. Maria Ariesta Utha, S.E., M.M. 
Maria Utha has more than 10 years research and consulting experience in projects with the field of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Higher Education Sectors. She is a Permanent Lecturer in Master Degree with spezialitation Sustainability and Community Entrepreneurship. Maria Utha completed her Doctoral Degree in Sustainable Development Doctoral Program at Trisakti University. She has expertise in Environmental Economics, Sustainability & Community Entrepreneurship Management, Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods, Data Processing using various statistical tools.

Two (2) day workshop: IDR 5.800.000 

For further information, please contact:
Telephone/Fax  :  021-5793-0116
Phone               :  0813-8262-2221
Email                 :

Workshop Testimonials


“Saya memulai pelatihan dengan pengetahuan yang terbatas, terutama latar belakangnya bukan di bidang CSR atau pemberdayaan. Selama hari pertama, saya mendapatkan penjelasan yang lebih mendalam dan pelatihan ini merupakan persiapan penting sebelum saya terjun langsung ke lapangan, memberikan bekal yang berguna untuk menghadapi situasi nyata di lapangan serta merasa puas setelah memahami bagaimana mengisi dan mengevaluasi hasil program, serta melihat nilai dan skor yang diperoleh, yang memberikan kepuasan tersendiri.”


“Saya merasakan dampak signifikan dari penguatan teori, konsep, persyaratan, dan program-program yang sedang dijalankan. Di hari kedua, saya fokus pada aspek perhitungan dan identifikasi data. Mereka menemukan banyak kesenjangan dalam data yang ada, yang menjadi pelajaran penting untuk perbaikan program di masa depan. Secara keseluruhan, pelatihan ini membantu saya merangkai kembali potongan-potongan informasi yang sebelumnya tersebar, menjadi lebih terstruktur dan tersusun rapi.”



“Saya merasa bahwa kertas kerja yang digunakan dalam pelatihan sudah merangkum tantangan yang selama ini kami hadapi. Pelatihan ini membantu saya memahami dan mengartikulasikan hasil kerja kami dengan lebih baik. Saya menyadari bahwa dengan pendekatan baru ini, mereka akan lebih mampu menganalisis dan memberikan insight yang lebih baik ketika menghadapi data dan tantangan.”



“Menjadi lebih memahami betapa pentingnya konsep-konsep dasar sebelum menerapkan praktik dan merasa beruntung tidak melewatkan fase ini. Saya mendapat banyak insight dan pengertian baru tentang keberlanjutan.”


Measuring the Social Return on Investment (SROI)
Rp 5,800,000
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