Key Tools for Communicating Your CSR

Rp 5,800,000

How to Create An Effective CSR Communication Strategy
Date Duration
14 – 15 January 2025 9 AM – 3 PM
21 – 22 May 2025 9 AM – 3 PM
16 – 17 July 2025 9 AM – 3 PM
02 – 03 September 2025 9 AM – 3 PM

Location: MM-Sustainability Trisakti Campus

(Menara Batavia 2nd Floor, Jl. K.H. Mas Mansyur Kav. 126, Karet Tengsin, Kecamatan Tanah Abang, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khu2`sus Ibukota Jakarta 10220) (GMaps).3dd


A CSR program can have a positive impact if the program contributes positively and can be communicated clearly, ethically and transparently to stakeholders. However, in its implementation, communication in a CSR program is often an obstacle that causes misunderstanding. The results of a survey conducted by APCO Worldwide on the Global CSR Survey, showed the lack of public knowledge about CSR programs that have been created by the company. Based on the survey, a number of “well-informed” communities found that there were 4% of respondents who said that the company was very responsible for the surrounding community’s environment (, 2006).

Building good CSR communication will answer many questions from stakeholders related to the concerns and various company activities that have an impact on the social conditions of the community and the environment. Therefore we need an appropriate method and communication channel to answer effective and efficient communication choices for the company to answer those needs.

Radyati-Simmonds (2015) developed a method of channel selection and communication material which was named MOMMY (Mapping, Outcomes Targets, Message, Methods and Why). Through this method the company is expected to be able to choose effectively and efficiently the channels through which it can communicate CSR programs.

In this training, materials related to the Sustainability Report will also be given. Sustainability report is one of the communication channels created by the company to address stakeholder information needs for social, economic and environmental performance. The concept carried in the SR continues to experience development and currently has launched the latest sustainability reporting standard, which is the fourth generation, namely GRI Standard.

Workshop Material
(Will be delivered in Bahasa Indonesia)
Session I: How to communicate your CSR effectively using MOMMY?

Session II: Why is it important to do a “MOMMY” Engagement Model as an approach to do CSR?
Session III: What is Sustainability Reporting (GRI Standard)?
Session IV: What is the simple steps to understand the right Sustainability Report base on each industry field? 

1. Have an understanding of what are the most effective and efficient communication channels
2. Understand the dynamic of Sustainability Report and the implementation strategies in each industries

Target Audience
1. CSR practitioners
2. Lecturers who are conducting Community Service activities
3. General Managers
4. Community Relations Managers
5. Community Development Managers
6. Public Relations Managers
7. Other practitioners who are interested in effectiveness of monitoring community projects or any other project

Dr. Maria Ariesta Utha, S.E., M.M. 
Maria Utha has more than 10 years research and consulting experience in projects with the field of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Higher Education Sectors. She is a Permanent Lecturer in Master Degree with spezialitation Sustainability and Community Entrepreneurship. Maria Utha completed her Doctoral Degree in Sustainable Development Doctoral Program at Trisakti University. She has expertise in Environmental Economics, Sustainability & Community Entrepreneurship Management, Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods, Data Processing using various statistical tools.

Two (2) day workshop: IDR 5.800.000

Hotel near training location:
Holiday Inn Express Wahid Hasyim (), 10min. drive.

For further information, please contact:
Telephone/Fax  :  021-5793-0116
Phone               :  0813-8262-2221
Email                :

Key Tools for Communicating Your CSR
Rp 5,800,000
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